Thursday 11 July 2013

Angelina Jolie Has Double Mastectomy

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie announced that she had a preventive  mastectomy this month after testing positive for a genetic mutation. Breast and ovarian cancers run in the  side of Jolie’s family. According to Jolie, the procedure has  her risk of  hereditary breast cancer from 87 to 5 percent. Jolie, a mother of six, claims that she made this decision for her . The 37-year-old may decide to have her ovaries removed as well.
Comprehension Questions
  1. What medical procedure did Angelina Jolie recently undergo?
  2. Why is Jolie at a greater risk for breast and ovarian cancer than other women?
  3. What reason did Jolie give for going through with the procedure?
Discussion Question:
Do you agree with Jolie’s proactive choice, or is it extreme to have surgery before any hint of cancer exists?


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