Wednesday 25 September 2013

Flip-flops could be bad for our health


1. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:
1.according toa.change
2triggerb.arm or leg
5.stayed pute.step
6.limbf.result in the opinion of
9.lead toi.walk

Flip-flops, the slip-on, slip-off footwear most of us wear to the beach, may be bad for our health. This is according to a study carried out by the American College of Sports Medicine. The report showed that walking in flip-flops can trigger aches and pains all over the body, not just make our feet sore. It goes so far as to say that flip-flops are the most damaging type of shoes for our health, even worse than high heels. Report author Justin Shroyer stated: “We found that when people walk in flip-flops, they alter their gait, which can result in problems and pain from the foot up into the hips and lower back.” He explained that people changed their walking style because they were "very concerned about stubbing their toes" and wanted to make sure the flip-flop stayed put on the foot and did not go flying off.

The flip-flop research involved 39 male and female graduates. They were videoed while walking in flip-flops and in athletic shoes. The researchers compared the length of people’s stride and limb angles when people wore the different footwear. They discovered that flip-flop wearers took shorter steps, gripped more with their toes and moved their ankles in a wider angle. All of these changes to our walking style cause unnatural shocks to our joints. This can create stresses which can lead to serious injury if they are repeated over a long period of time. Estimates are that the average person takes 15,000 steps each day. Even small, unnatural changes to a healthy walking style can be multiplied thousands of times if we wear flip-flops all day. The researchers advised wearing flip-flops for short periods of time only.


1. TRUE / FALSE: Look at the article’s headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):
a.The rubber from flip-flops could give us blood poisoning.T / F
b.Research shows flip-flops can cause aches and pains all over our body.T / F
c.A study said high heels are the footwear that damages our feet most.T / F
d.People change their walking style to stop flip-flops from flying off.T / F
e.Flip-flops researchers videoed the walking style of 39 athletes.T / F
f.People who wear flip-flops generally take shorter strides.T / F
g.On average, we take somewhere in the region of 15,000 steps a day.T / F
h.Researchers recommended a global ban on the wearing of flip-flops.T / F

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